MAY 31, 2011

burgener warm-up

kettlebell swing

amrap in 20 mins 
400m run
53/35 kb swings x 35

MAY 30, 2011

with a 20#/10# weighted vest:
400m run
20#/14# wall balls x 50
pull up x 50
75#/45# sumo deadlift high pull x 50
400m run
wall balls x 25
pull up x 25
sumo deadlift high pull x 25
400m run
wall balls x 15
pull up x 15
sumo deadlift high pull x 15

MAY 25, 2011

muscle up transitions

find heaviest load in 10mins


extra credit:
Row 1 Calorie the first minute, 2 calories the 2nd minute and continue adding a calorie each minute until you can not complete the required amount of calories for that minute

MAY 24, 2011

shoulder press

3RFC (rounds for completion)
strict/controlled hip extension x 25
strict/controlled abmat sit up (no arm momentum) x 25

extra credit: for time
double unders x 100
burpee x 25
c2b pull up x 25
500m row

MAY 23, 2011

24"/20" box jump x 50
jumping pull up x 50
1pood kettlebell swing x 50
walking lunge x 50
knees to elbows x 50
45# push press x 50
back extension x 50
20#/14# wall ball shots x 50
burpee x 50
double unders x 50

MAY 17, 2011

amrap in 20mins of:
pull up x 5
push up x 10
air squat x 15

MAY 10, 2011

4 rounds:
400m run
-these are max effort runs i.e. SPRINTS
-slowest round is score

partner assisted handstand walks
-goal is one end of driveway to the other.
-if you drop and fall, pick up where you left off

MAY 9, 2011

overhead squat
-find heaviest load within 30mins

max reps of clapping push ups in 5mins

MAY 6, 2011

behind-the-neck split jerk
split jerk
push jerk

in one attempt, perform pull ups for max reps

MAY 2, 2011

amrap in 20mins of:
rope climb x 1
400m run
max handstand push ups in one attempt
-score is number of hspu for EACH round